Wrzhost Live Help

Offers & Discounts

Here you will find any Offers and Promotions that we are offering on any of our Products and Services. Be sure to take a look at them, you can save a lot of money!

- 18/05/2011: Windows VPS Offer

One Time Discount of 10% on ALL Windows Virtual Servers. These VPS's can be seen at: http://www.wrzhost.com/remote-desktop.php

Promo Code: WINPROMO

- 23/03/2011: Hong Kong Dedicated Servers

We have started offering Hong Kong Dedicated Servers again!

Please check http://wrzhost.com/hongkong-dedicated-servers.php for the list.

The first 2 servers in the list are at a promotional price! ( Intel C2D E6650 2.33 GHz, Price marked with **)

- 09/02/2011: Windows VPS Offer

1) ~ 18% OFF on all VPS's running Windows. - These VPS's can be seen at: http://www.wrzhost.com/vps-hosting.php

Final Prices for the VPS's including Discounts:

  • Large VPS | Monthly: $25 | Semi-Annual: $125 (1 month free) | Annual: $250 (2 months free) - ORDER Here

  • Premium VPS | Monthly: $33 | Semi-Annual: $175 | Annual: $330 (2 months free) - ORDER Here

  • Ace VPS | Monthly: $50 | Semi-Annual: $250 (1 month free) | Annual: $500 (2 months free) - ORDER Here